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automatica 2022
Als Leitmesse für intelligente Automation und Robotik zeigt die automatica effiziente und sichere Produktionskonzepte für jede Branche. Sie möchten schneller, flexibler und dabei sicher produzieren? Die automatica ist Ihr Wegweiser für die digitale T...
automatica 2020
Als Leitmesse für intelligente Automation und Robotik zeigt die automatica effiziente und sichere Produktionskonzepte für jede Branche. Sie möchten schneller, flexibler und dabei sicher produzieren? Die automatica ist Ihr Wegweiser für die digitale T...
automatica 2016
Über die automatica die führende Plattform für Innovationen zur Automatisierung von Produktionsprozessen das weltgrößte Angebot an Robotik, Montageanlagen und industriellen Bildverarbeitungssystemen Unternehmen aus allen Industriebranchen finden hier...
The alternative text
automatica schlägt erneut alle Rekorde
published on 15.12.2020
Die automatica 2018 (19. bis 22. Juni) erreicht neue Rekorde: mehr als 46.000 Besucher (+ sieben Prozent) und 890 Aussteller (+ sieben Prozent). Messegeschäftsführer Falk Senger: „Die automatica adressiert die Zukunftsthemen Mensch-Roboter-Kollaborat...
automatica 2018
Als Leitmesse für intelligente Automation und Robotik zeigt die automatica effiziente und sichere Produktionskonzepte für jede Branche. Sie möchten schneller, flexibler und dabei sicher produzieren? Die automatica ist Ihr Wegweiser für die digitale T...
IT2Industry 2016 @ AUTOMATICA
Die IT2Industry, Fachmesse mit begleitender Open Conference, stellt die Vernetzung von wichtigen Themen auf dem Weg zum industriellen Internet der Dinge in den Mittelpunkt: Produktion, Automatisierung, Informationstechnologie und IT-Sicherheit werden...
Über alle Branchen hinweg
Die Automatica ist die Leitmesse für Automation und Robotik. Dort zeigt sich alle zwei Jahre, wie smarte Helfer die Produktion in den Unternehmen verändern werden.
Wunder der Technik
Messe Automatica, Electronica und Productronica
The alternative text
Digitale Formate und Präsenzmessen im Ausland: Erfolgreicher Messestart nach Corona-Lockdown
published on 15.12.2020
Die Messe München stieg im Juli erfolgreich ins Messegeschäft ein und erlebte damit ein gelungenes Comeback: Den Grundstein legte sie dabei mit dem Pionier ISPO Re.Start Days . Aus rund 50 Ländern loggten sich die Teilnehmer ein und nutzten die Mögli...
The alternative text
Messe München: Mit zweistelligen Zuwachsraten weltweit auf Erfolgskurs
published on 15.12.2020
Klaus Dittrich: „Der höchste Umsatz, der je in einem Jahr ohne bauma erreicht wurde.“ Marktanteil in Deutschland weiter gewachsen Outdoor kommt 2019 zurück nach München „Wir sind gut aufgestellt und entwickeln unser Portfolio und unsere Strategien st...
Unsere Referenzkundenliste: Zahlreiche renommierte Unternehmen und Institutionen vertrauen auf unseren Eventservice.
Macher | Messe München
Hier finden Sie alle Artikel zum Thema „Macher“
Hörfunk-Service Downloads
Vom O-Ton-Paket bis zum fertig geschnittenen Beitrag: Unsere Hörfunk-Redaktion bietet Ihnen alle Audiomaterialien, die Sie für die Produktion Ihres Beitrags brauchen.
Messeportfolio: internationale Leitmessen | Messe München
Das Messeportfolio der Messe München » Erfahren Sie mehr über die internationalen Leitmessen in München und weltweit!
Iran IEE 2016
Generation of electrical energy, Power electronics, Power Transmission line, Electrical substations, Power distribution and control, Process control products, Electricity measuring, metering and control, Automation systems and equipment, Lightings an...
IT2Industry 2017 @ productronica
Die IT2Industry ist die zentrale Fachmesse zu den Themen Cyber- physical Systems, Smart Factory Automation, Industriesoftware, M2M, IT-Sicherheit, Big Data & Cloud, Infrastruktur & Datennetze, Produktionslogistik, IT & Energie Sie führt das Wissen au...
LEAP Expo 2020
LEAP Expo is co-organized by Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., ltd., China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council, Chinese Optical Society-Laser Processing Committee and China Machine Vision Industry Union. It comprises fiv...
The alternative text
Industrie 4.0 und Digitalisierung: Große Aufgabe für die IT
published on 15.12.2020
Von 14. bis 17. November trafen sich in München IT-Firmen, Branchenexperten und rund 4.000 Fachbesucher auf der IT2Industry 2017, um über die nächsten Schritte der Digitalisierung zu diskutieren und konkrete Lösungen vorzustellen. Mit 30 Vorträgen ga...
LEAP Expo 2019
LEAP Expo is co-organized by Messe Muenchen Shanghai Co., Ltd.,China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Sub-Council, Chinese Optical Society-Laser Processing Committee and China Machine Vision Industry Union. It is comprised o...
FairLog – Das neue Logistikleitsystem
FairLog – Das neue Logistikleitsystem
Connect: Die Münchener Messe-App | Messe München
Messe-App 'Connect': Hallenpläne & Aussteller entdecken, Live Chat & Networking-Option nutzen » Mehr zur Messe-München-App!
Innovation Journey: Innovationen entdecken | Messe München
Auf der Innovation Journey der Messe München entdecken Sie Geschäftsmodelle & Lösungen der Zukunft » Ihr Kontakt zu den Machern von morgen!
The alternative text
productronica setzt Maßstäbe in der Elektronikfertigung
published on 15.12.2020
44.000 Besucher Positiver Branchentrend überträgt sich auf productronica Erfolgreiche Messekombination mit SEMICON Europa Wohin entwickelt sich zukünftig die Elektronikfertigungsbranche? Antworten auf diese Frage hat die productronica vom 14. bis zum...
The alternative text
Digitale Plattformen der Messe München ermöglichen Austausch der Kunden auch bei anhaltenden Reisebeschränkungen
published on 15.12.2020
Veranstaltungen der Messe München Die erste Veranstaltung digitaler Art waren am 30.06. und 01.07.2020 die ISPO ReStart.Days mit 1.600 Teilnehmer aus über 40 Ländern. Mittlerweile bietet die Messe München für nahezu alle ihrer Leitmessen, die in näch...
Messe-Unternehmensprofil | Messe München
Das Unternehmensprofil der Messe München: Über uns als Unternehmen & wie wir Ihren Geschäftserfolg unterstützen » Jetzt mehr erfahren!
The alternative text
analytica 2020 mit sehr guten Ergebnissen im digitalen Format
published on 15.12.2020
Dr. Reinhard Pfeiffer, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung bei der Messe München: „Viele Kunden in allen Bereichen unseres Messegeschäfts äußern, dass insbesondere die Neukundengewinnung über virtuelle Plattformen nur bedingt möglich ...
Höchste Zeit
Umweltverschmutzung und Klimawandel bedrohen unsere Lebensgrundlage. Die Welt sucht nach Lösungen. Und das Ifat-Netzwerk präsentiert sie. Projektgruppenleiter Christian Rocke gibt einen Einblick in die boomende Branche der Umwelttechnologien.
The alternative text
Erfolgreicher Start ins neue Outdoor-Zeitalter
published on 15.12.2020
Klaus Dittrich, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Messe München: „Der große Zuspruch aus der Branche beweist den Erfolg unseres neuen Konzepts. Wir konnten unsere Versprechen aus dem Vorfeld einlösen und sogar übertreffen. Gemeinsam mit der Branc...
The alternative text
BAU China – Spitzenwerte für Asiens führende Baufachmesse
published on 15.12.2020
„Mit 778 Ausstellern und zwei zusätzlichen Hallen war die BAU China in diesem Jahr größer denn je,“ berichtet Reinhard Pfeiffer, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung der Messe München. Auf einer Ausstellungsfläche von über 54.000 netto...
Nichts ist unmöglich
Messe München Magazin - Wir sprachen mit Technikprofessorin Sandra Hirche und Sterne-Koch Tohru Nakamura über künstliche Intelligenz, die Vorzüge von Mensch und Maschine – und warum vielleicht auch Roboter mal einen schlechten Tag haben sollten.


Advice and contacts for exhibitors
Advice and contacts for automatica's exhibitors: Our employees would be pleased to advise you personally—contacts and contact information.
Advice and contacts for visitors
Advice and contacts for automatica's visitors: Contacts and contact information for questions about attending the fair—in Germany and around the world.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence at automatica: Machines learning to think. Whether it comes to artificial intelligence or smart automation: Dramatic change is on its way.
Mal ein anderes Logo, muss auch sein
Es gibt ja verschiedene Seitenverhältnisse: Machines learning to think. Whether it comes to artificial intelligence or smart automation: Dramatic change is on its way.
Assistance Systems for Workplace 4.0 in the Smart Factory
Smart Factory: Assistance Systems for Workplace 4.0 Dr. Matthias Peissner of the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering and Organization IAO assesses future technologies for workplace 4.0 for their practical relevance.
Assistance Systems in Production
Artificial Intelligence in Production: With Assistance Systems for Autonomy.
Automation in the Automobile Industry Farewell to the Assembly Line
Automation in the Automobile Industry Farewell to the Assembly Line
published on 11.03.2020
The world's leading trade fair for intelligent automation and robotics automatica will take place in Munich from December 8 to 11. One main focus of t […]
Booking your stand
Your stand at automatica: Apply to exhibit at the fair now. Secure your stand location and order expedient services.
automatica offers in-depth expert knowledge at the International Symposium on Robotics (ISR), the OPC Day Europe, and the AUTOMOBIL PRODUKTION Congress.
Data sovereignty
The question of data sovereignty is not clearly regulated by law: Interview with Uwe Seidel, Head of the Working Group “Legal Challenges” of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy.
December events of our exhibitors
Some of our exhibitors offer their own virtual events in December. Get an idea of current solutions and developments in robotics and automation!
Digital Solutions for the Smart Factory
automatica brings the industry and the ICT community together. The IT2Industry subject area offers IT solutions for Industry 4.0.
Diverse range of visitor services
Make your stay even more pleasant: Take advantage of our wide range of services and facilities.
Exhibition newsletter
Free automatica newsletter: Stay up to date at all times. Find out which automation trends and innovations are moving the global industry.
Exhibition sectors for all branches
See the world's largest range of solutions for robotics, assembly and handling technology and machine vision.
Exhibitor application
You can conveniently register as an exhibitor online and reserve the stand type of your choice.
Extensive exhibitor directory
automatica's exhibitor directory: All the exhibitors, products and brands at the International Trade Fair for Automation and Mechatronics at a glance.
Answers to frequently asked questions about the leading trade fair: Helpful information for visitors and exhibitors.
Fair App
We have developed a trade fair app for our visitors—a mobile companion for the organisation of the trade fair visit.
Food and beverages: Restaurants at automatica
Restaurants, bars and catering stands will spoil you with regional and international food and beverage.
automatica Forum, IT2Industry, and Investor’s Day: The automatica forum program provides specific subject expertise and creates a point of orientation.
Free WiFi at automatica
Take advantage of free WiFi at the trade-fair center. One-time registration is quick and easy.
Heavy-Duty Robots Become Team Players
Cobots have paved the way for human-robot collaboration (HRC). Currently, the trend is toward heavy-duty HRCs in industry, while lightweight robots are still in the trial and discovery phase.
IIoT Conference I automatica
The IIoT Conference builds a bridge between automation and software development by combining classic automatica topics with IT-related presentations.
IIoT Forum
The IIoT Forum (called the IT2Industry Forum until 2018) offers insightful technical presentations with specific focal areas. Here you can experience scientists, market leaders and visionaries in stimulating conversations that invite discussion.
ISR Conference
The world’s leading robotics conference, International Symposium on Robotics, showcases the latest robotics technologies with more than 150 presentations.
In our own IT2Industry area, we have our own exhibition stands or complete packages available.
Industrial Application 4.0 Showcase 2018
The Industrial Application 4.0 showcase “smart4i NG” contains all relevant Industry 4.0 applications—from the cloud to modular sensors.
Industrial robotics
Experience the fascinating world of industrial robots live at the fair.
Industry 4.0 Special Shows
The special shows at automatica present technologies and applications associated with Industry 4.0 along with an examination of trends and backgrounds.
Industry news
Information platform with articles about markets and trends and the latest fair-related news.
Industry: Robots Provide Opportunities for the COVID-19 Restart
Industry: Robots Provide Opportunities for the COVID-19 Restart
published on 29.06.2020
Even before the corona pandemic, the manufacturing industry in Germany was highly automated according to figures from the International Federation of […]
Information for your visit
At the trade fair automatica: Information about opening hours, a wide range of restaurants, free WiFi and up-to-date hall diagrams.
International travel for trade fair participants is possible under certain conditions
International travel for trade fair participants is possible under certain conditions
published on 18.09.2020
In-person trade fairs have been allowed in Germany once again since September 1. The trade fair sector is still not affected by the country’s ban on m […]
Key facts in Chinese
automatica the world's leading marketplace for automated, intelligent production
Key figures
Worth knowing and interesting facts: exhibitor and visitor numbers and opinions on automatica.
Latest information | automatica
automatica 2020: up-to-date information related to the coronavirus
Machine Vision as an AI Pioneer
Industrial machine vision is well advanced when it comes to the use of artificial intelligence and in particular deep learning.
Machine vision
Compare the innovative possibilities of machine vision. You can choose from solutions for general use or for specific applications.
Makeathon I automatica
The automatica Makeathon is the perfect opportunity to create awareness for companies among young talents and to fathom their skills at the same time.
Marketing services for exhibitors
Take advantage of our diverse range of marketing services to effectively increase the success of your exhibit—before, during and after the fair.
Mobile transport systems are on the rise
Demand for mobile transport systems is booming. The number of logistics robots sold rose by a remarkable 60 percent in 2018, the International Federation of Robotics (IFR) reported.
More joint pavilions
automatica 2020 offers you a number of participation alternatives in the form of joint exhibition stands and national pavilions
Newsroom of the trade fair
Press releases, statements about the fair, videos, photos, the latest information and services for journalists at a glance.
OPC Day Europe
The OPC Day Europe is an event held at automatica to address and accelerate manufacturer-independent data communication in automation technology.
OPC UA Demonstrator by VDMA Robotics + Automation
The OPC UA Demonstrator by VDMA R + A showcases the next level of standardized and manufacturer-independent data exchange for more connectivity.
Odense Investor Summit I automatica
Investments that pay off: The Odense Investor Summit pairs start-ups and investors to their mutual benefit. Exclusively at automatica 2020.
Online Exhibitor Shop
Stand furnishings, marketing services, exhibitor passes and other services for exhibitors can be found in our online shop.
With the virtual format Let’s talk by automatica, we are further expanding our digital presence. The Online events held at regular intervals provide additional orientation and exchange opportunities during the time between the fairs.
Opening hours of the fair
The opening hours for exhibitors and visitors are available here. Journalists and media representatives can see when the Press Center is open.
Organize your stand
Plan your trade fair success at automatica: Find out about what's on offer in the exhibitor shop, stand construction, dates and logistics.
Overview of exhibition sectors
Discover the entire range of automation for your value chain.
Participant profile
The excellent exhibitor and visitor quality and the high satisfaction of the participants attest to the success of automatica.
Participant survey
98 Prozent unserer Teilnehmer sind zufrieden mit ihrer Messebeteiligung. Hier erfahren Sie die Gründe.
Partner exhibitions
Profit from additional valuable synergies: Empower new energy solutions under the label The smarter E.
We're not resting: With strong partners, we are constantly developing automatica further - to even more success.
Photo gallery: Automation in education
The training sector offers numerous application possibilities for automation.
Photos and logos
automatica photos and logos are available here. Photo materials and impressions from previous events are available for download here.
Plan your automatica visit
Make your visit to the trade fair even more pleasant: Make use of our wide range of services and facilities.
Platform Economy 2018
Platform Economy is promising new business models. The automatica provides orientation in this highly dynamic market.
Playground I automatica
automatica is tackling the lack of specialists in the robotics and automation domain by supporting young talent through various formats.
automatica is postponed. New date: December 8–11, 2020
Prepare your fair
A leading trade fair and a leading marketplace: Fair preparing for visitors.
Pricess for the fair
Choose between different stand variants and stand sizes. Find out about the participation costs.
The escape game “The Traveler” introduces youngsters to the requirements of robotics and automation in a creative and dynamic way.
Service Robotics Demo Park
Common exhibition platform for the broad spectrum of applications for professional service robotics.
automatica will take you on a journey to the future: Service robotics has already evolved to become one of the most important building blocks for innovation and you as an exhibitor con-tribute to accelerate this process.
Services for journalists
TV service, radio service, trade journals on display, photos and logos: Our servcies for the press.
Smart Factory in Actual Practice – Toward Autonomous Production
Autonomous production of the future configures and coordinates its production cells itself. Industry pioneers are already implementing the characteristics of the smart factory.
Smart Maintenance Pavilion
Concrete application scenarios of Smart Maintenance on the Smart Maintenance Pavilion.
Stand marketing
We provide sustainable support for your trade fair success—from competent planning and targeted marketing to realizing specific details.
Stand package SUNNY
We offer you an attractive stand package to prepare your trade fair presentation. It includes stand construction, services and a starter set with print and online vouchers for day tickets
Start-Up Arena
Newcomer know-how for the implementation of innovative projects within the start-up arena.
Stay oriented with the fairgrounds map
Detailed maps of the trade fair center and automatica’s exhibition halls will help you stay oriented.
Supporting Program Overview
Supporting Program Overview
Supporting program preview
Attractive lectures, exciting exchange: The supporting programme of automatica will again be varied and attractive.
Survey among robotics and AI experts in industry and research
Will artificial intelligence (AI) someday make robots smarter than humans? This is what robotics and AI experts in industry and research have to say.
Survey: How Robots Help German Industry
Survey: How Robots Help German Industry
published on 06.02.2020
By 2040, the labor market in Germany will have a shortage ten million people compared to today due to demographic change. To compensate for the conseq […]
TV service
Are you planning to do a television report about the fair? We can help you produce editorial reports or provide raw footage and text information.
The Sensor Show Congress I automatica
automatica 2020 will present an even wider range of innovative technologies and processes for data acquisition at The Sensor Show.
The latest press releases
The latest press releases and news that pertains to automatica are available here.
The leading trade fair at a glance
There are many good reasons for participating in automatica - as an exhibitor and as a visitor. Convince yourself!
TheSensorShow auf der automatica –Teilnahmemöglichkeiten
The Sensor Show connects the global sensor ecosystem with emerging technologies and IoT for the manufacturing, automotive and transportation industries.
Tickets and vouchers
Tickets and vouchers for automatica: Purchase your ticket in advance online and save time and money. Or redeem your voucher online.
Toward Autonomous Production
Toward Autonomous Production
published on 05.12.2019
automatica is continuing on its growth course. The upcoming trade fair will occupy a record area of 76,000 square meters. There will be an additional […]
Trade journals on display
Offer for publishers: Have your publications on display at automatica.
Travel & Stay
Information on how to find the right accommodations for your visit to automatica. We have also included a few cultural and recreational tips.
Trend Index
How will robots, digitization and artificial intelligence change the world of work? For the 2018 automatica Trend Index, a total of 7,000 employees, in the US, China, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy were interviewed.
Trend Index 2018: Part 1
For the 2018 automatica Trend Index, a total of 7,000 employees, in the US, China, Japan, Germany, France, Great Britain and Italy were interviewed on digitalization and robots.
Trend Index 2018: Part 2
67 percent of UK workers see artificial intelligence (AI) as a technology that makes machines better assistants in the workplace.
Trend Index 2018: Part 3
Robot installations in the United States increased for the seventh year in a row to a new peak of around 33,200 units (IFR World Robotics Report 2018). The main drivers of this growth are the general metal and machinery industry and the food sector.
Trend Index 2018: Part 4
Industrial robot installations in the UK increased for the third year in a row to around 2,300 units (IFR World Robotics Report 2018). This is an increase of 31 percent (2016 - 2017). Asked about the workplace of the future, UK employees want robots to take over the unhealthy (83 percent), hazardous (77 percent) or monotonous (72 percent) jobs.
TrustedTargeting powerd by automatica lets you reach your target group which you meet at the trade show—always and anywhere online, even when there is no show going on.
VDMA Robotik Challenge I automatica
Team-Sponsor werden: Mit der Zielgruppe Schüler zwischen 13 und 18 Jahren ergänzt die VDMA Robotik Challenge die Veranstaltungen der automatica-Nachwuchsoffensive – und trägt damit zur Zukunftssicherung der Branche bei.
Videos: Experience the fascination of automatica. Delve into the innovative world of robotics and automation—see the leading trade fair's exciting trends.
Vision Expert Huddles I automatica
Invitation to the premiere: The new Vision Expert Huddles lecture series promotes the exchange between trade fair visitors and machine vision experts.
With Robotics and Automated Production against the Corona Pandemic
Robotics and automation specialists are supporting the fight against the corona pandemic 2ith innovative approaches. Robots help to carry out corona tests.
Working Hero
Working Hero makes B2B communication emotional and passionate! In order to cut through the noise in today's message heavy world, brands need differentiating means of communication in order to stand out from the crowd.
Young Talents
The shortage of skilled workers in automation presents companies of all sizes with major challenges. Recruitment and the promotion of young talent are therefore high on the agenda. automatica offers career starters a variety of meeting platforms.
Your key to trade-fair success
Your key to trade-fair success for automatica's exhibitors: Maximize the success of your exhibit with expert knowledge, practice tips and useful services.
automatica 2020 not to be held as in-person event—new format for 2021 under development
automatica 2020 not to be held as in-person event—new format for 2021 under development
published on 28.09.2020
The automatica exhibition scheduled for December 8–11, 2020 will not take place due to the current travel restrictions in Europe in connection with th […]
automatica Forum I automatica
The automatica Forum 2020 sheds light on the megatrends of automation such as digital transformation, artificial intelligence and man & machine.
automatica Talk No. 1
Covid-19: Impetus or Brake for Automation? Robotics and automation reacted quickly to the pandemic and created solutions to deal with this crisis in record time.
automatica Talk No. 2 on August 26, 2020, 13:00 (CEST)
Virtual Commissioning—what’s in it for me? Wouldn't it be enormously helpful for companies if the commissioning of new production lines could be carried out much faster and less error-prone?
automatica Talk No. 3 on October 15, 2020, 13:00 (CEST)
The global robotics market – where are we headed? After years of booming robotics sales, the COVID-19-induced economic slowdown has not left the robotics industry unaffected.
automatica Talk No. 4 on December 8, 2020, 13:00 CET
In the next edition, we will present the renowned Executive Roundtable of the International Federation of Robotics (IFR). The focus of the English-language panel discussion is on the question: Next generation workforce - upskilling for robotics
automatica and Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MSRM) initiate AI platform munich_i
automatica and Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MSRM) initiate AI platform munich_i
published on 27.07.2020
automatica, the leading international trade fair for intelligent automation and robotics, and the Munich School of Robotics and Machine Intelligence ( […]
automatica beats all records again
automatica beats all records again
published on 22.06.2018
automatica 2018 (June 19 to 22) set new records: more than 46,000 visitors (+ seven percent) and 890 exhibitors (+ seven percent). Trade Fair Managing […]
automatica expands the sensor technology area
automatica expands the sensor technology area
published on 28.06.2019
An application-oriented sensor technology exhibition area with accompanying congress will be integrated into automatica 2020. The new “The Sensor Show […]
automatica is postponed—new date in December 2020
automatica is postponed—new date in December 2020
published on 26.03.2020
Due to the increasing global spread of Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and based on the recommendations of the German Federal Government and the Bavarian Sta […]
automatica sprint – the event concept
What are the aspirations and concept behind automatica sprint? Learn more about our new compact event format for 2021.
automatica sprint – the hygiene protocol
Our contribution to increased safety at the exhibition: the comprehensive automatica sprint protection and hygiene protocol for a COVID-19-compliant event.
automatica sprint – the motivation
automatica sprint is the community’s proactive approach to handling the pandemic situation with its massive restrictions and consequences for robotics and automation.
automatica sprint – the participation modules
Open structures and standardized stand types: The participation modules of automatica sprint offer flexibility and enable advance planning at the same time.
automatica | The Leading Exhibition for Smart Automation and Robotics
automatica is the world's leading marketplace for automated, intelligent production.
automotive production summit I automatica
What challenges and potential future developments are associated with the transformation of the automotive industry? The automotive production summit provides answers.
munich_i Summit I automatica
The unique high-tech summit "munich_i: intelligence empowering tomorrow" will take place for the first time on December 08, 2020 within the framework of automatica.
“The AI-user does not have to be an AI specialist”
AI systems can be helpful assistants for factory workers. Plamen Kiradjiev and Jochen Benke from IBM explain in an interview how this can reduce machine downtime.